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Welcome to Two Rivers Church

A safe place to explore your spirituality with a group of friends trying to follow in the way of Jesus

To self-describe is potentially misleading, because there is always a gap between who we would like to be and who we actually are, so, let’s say we’re a people in process. We are seeking a proper confidence in the gospel of Jesus Christ that allows room for growth through questions and struggle, faith and joy, curiosity and patience in the contradictions of life. We trust in Jesus Christ as the source and model of what we want to become, which looks something like:
    living from an identity as the beloved of the Father; 
    being faithfully present to our neighbours and strangers; 
    generous with our space, orthodoxy, and resources; 
    attentive to those living on the margins; 
    advocating for justice and equality and acting against forces that oppress; 
    discovering the enchanted in the ordinary; 
    caring for the creation and all creatures; 
    patient and merciful towards our enemies and those who oppose God’s reign.

So much more could be said, so we invite you to connect to us in the various places we inhabit as Two Rivers Church and see what you might find!