Living Room is a home church rooted in a particular space and neighbourhood where we gather to have church in a circle.
Our purpose is summed up in the following:
We thrive when we:
- Exercise hospitality around a common meal
- Create a safe place to explore spiritual formation in the way of Jesus
- Experience and nurture loving relationships
- Engage in creative worship
- Plot goodness in the neighbourhood
Meals are provided by the group participants.
Living Room Locations: We currently have six active Living Rooms that meet on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings, and usually meet every other week.
Liturgies gather the whole community for ancient/future worship on Sunday afternoons.
We gather on Sundays at 4:00 PM for Ancient/Future liturgies. We typically meet in person at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian 161 Norfolk St. However, on occasion we gather in other places for creative worship. Check the calendar for the latest up to date information.
What is ancient/future worship?
Gathering around the Lord’s Table to participate in the Sacrament of God’s self-giving in Christ.
Singing songs and praying prayers both old and new.
Listening for the Word of God through the scriptures and testimony.
Making room for many voices
Participating in symbolic actions which help us to remember and rehearse the story of grace shown in our creation, reconciliation, and ongoing recreation in Christ.
We enjoy multi-generational worship with children’s participation in prayer and at the Lord’s Table, with a short Children’s Worship program available during the Word/Sermon time.
Sometimes our Liturgies take the form of Taize worship or Visio Divina events (praying with art), and having pot lucks!
We will no longer be requiring masks in our liturgies, but, no one will be shamed if they choose to do so! We encourage full vaccination of all our participants, and the wisdom to stay home if you suspect you might be infectious.
Learning Rooms are short-term courses and workshops that look into new areas of knowledge and skill with creativity in community.
Our purpose is summed up in the following:
We thrive when we:
- Discover a common learning goal with at least one other friend.
- Create a place to deepen knowledge, skills, or practices of an identified subject ( arts, theology, culture-making, etc).
- Share friendship and joy with other participants on the learning journey.
Living Missionally invites participation in Jesus Christ’s reconciliation of all things in the neighbourhood and the world.
What is God up to? In Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit, the Father is making all things new. This is happening through ‘the energy of reconciliation which is the dynamo at the centre of the universe ‘(Eugene Peterson). This is taking place in many different ways and traditions, but our intention is to participate in what God is already doing by being faithfully present through the Spirit to our neighbours and beyond.
This requires learning to be attentive daily to what God is doing in the creation and in people’s lives. It also means being intentional about partnering with those who are already doing good in the neighbourhood. Many of our people have worked with, and/or currently volunteer with local organizations including: community gardening, newcomer language groups, serving food in shelters, refugee help, healthy transportation, and neighbourhood groups.
We also co-sponsor an annual community cycling festival called Love Your Bike, as well as an annual Soups-On-Thon, where we make large amounts of soup for the local Royal City Mission. We also participate with 40 Days of Discipleship a global ministry in on-line exploration of following Jesus.